
Level Up Your Career Today

We’re building a culture at CertaSite where people like you are making a meaningful impact every day…all while having fun. We are a group of like-minded people who empower each other to do and be better. 


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What is CertaSite?

CertaSite is a fire and life safety company. That means we keep people and property safe. At the most basic level, we ensure our partners are compliant with code. But that’s really just the beginning; we also go above and beyond in order to prevent catastrophe before it occurs.

Learn more about our story.

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It all started with a vision to be the most dependable and simplified life safety solution on the planet. Through that vision, a mission to provide a meaningful impact to as many lives as possible was born. What does that even mean? To us, it’s the reason we get up each day. It’s the reason we give back. It’s the reason we keep people and property safe. It’s the reason we have fun. It’s the reason we love working at CertaSite. 


CertaSite Core Values

At CertaSite, our values are more than just words. They are how we live, how we act, and what we strive for daily. We seek these values in our candidates, and quarterly, we reward members of our team who embrace all that they are to our company, community, and partners. 



We are on a relentless pursuit to be great, not just good enough.



Our work makes a real difference in the world. We literally save lives.



We believe there is always a better way. We won’t stop until we find it.



We do what we say, and we mean it. We are authentic and dependable.

Our CertaSite Community

Our CertaSite Community

As a mission- and people-driven company, CertaSite is deeply invested in putting our people first. And how we commit to our mission begins with the people we hire. 

CertaSite is an inclusive company and is making efforts internally and externally. We strive to be an employer of choice and are consciously working toward that. 

A large number of our employees currently serve or have served in the military. We strongly support our veterans and military servicemen and servicewomen. Our recruiting team visits military bases and CertaSite sponsors veteran events such as the Freedom Hunt for Disabled Veterans at Fort Custer Training Center.

Dedicated to Giving

CertaSite’s purpose is to provide a meaningful impact to as many lives as possible. CertaSite Serves, the company’s charitable giving arm, supports that purpose and enlarges our wingspan beyond the life safety systems that we install, inspect, repair, and maintain by offering a helping hand and providing a meaningful impact to those in critical need throughout our communities.

CertaSite associates show up as CertaSite Givers, but it’s our heart and dedication to serving that go the distance.

CS Serves Logo-3

Picture Yourself at CertaSite

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Are you truly protected?
Or merely compliant?
Sign up for our free, on-site fire safety inspection.